Monday, April 6, 2009

So begins the long road forward again?

Well, it looks like I'll be writing here everyday again... Do I really have to start at square one... After all this progress?

Actually, maybe not. I'm happy to say it's not the same. I feel like even though I saw her again, I didn't get knocked back all that badly... I feel like I still retained some of (or most of) my progress and strength.

But I must ask myself, for how long will this shield hold? How long until the pain really hits me again? How long until I have to face the loneliness, and the pain again?

It's so truly unfortunate that she is the way she is. I loved her so much, and would've done anything for her. Are guys like me really that common that she could give up like she did...?

I don't know what to do. I'm just lost.


Mariah said...

I feel your pain, man. I just recently found out that my ex who pretty much pulled the same thing on me... is now happily engaged.

Not that I'm bitter.

Take it one day at a time, and I hope things work out for the best.

.... said...

...I feel so sorry for you Thomas. You have no clue what I have been going thru but thats another story.
I hope in time it all works out for you. All the best.

Sometimes one really wonders if it is really a second chance we want that too from a person who has already put us down really bad.